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Student Life & Learning

You, as our student, are at the centre of everything we do at ÌÇÐÄlogo. We are here to help you succeed in every facet of university life. That’s why we ensure you get access to support and assistance from your very first day on campus, starting with orientation where you’ll learn to navigate university culture, classrooms and campus life, all the way through to the day you graduate.

We have Student Learning Services which is where you’ll gain the skills to achieve academic success through the support of an Academic Strategist, the Writing and Tutoring Centre, and Student Accessibility Services.

Sometimes you just need someone to talk to and help you through a challenge. When you want confidential, personal advice, you can always talk to our Campus Counsellor.

ÌÇÐÄlogo offers a multitude of services to support your academic and personal success. Most services are conveniently located in the Student Success Centre, providing a one-stop shop for everything from residence, counselling, services for students with disabilities, and career services.

At ÌÇÐÄlogo, we’re here to help you achieve your best.

Virtual and In-Person Services

We continue to offer our services virtually as well as in-person. Learn how to connect with us below.

Writing Centre

The Writing Centre is a free service that provides one-on-one writing consultations for assignments in any course or program. It also offers tutoring for English courses.

Writing Centre appointments can be booked through Online Services. 


Our tutors work one-on-one with you to help you understand your course material. All CUE students can access up to five free hours of tutoring each semester.

Tutoring service appointments can be booked through Online Services. 

Academic Support

To help you be an effective and successful student, we can provide one-on-one help with your learning skills.

Learning Advising appointments can be booked through Google Calendar. 

Student Accessibility Services

Student Accessibility Services supports students with disabilities with equal access to post-secondary learning.

To access Student Accessibility Services either in-person or online, please email our Student Accessibility Advisor at sas@concordia.ab.ca.


Student Life and Learning offers online counselling that is confidential and free to CUE students.

Regardless of the reasons for seeking counselling, students have the opportunity to receive support with mental health, academic and other personal concerns that are interfering with positive life experiences. 

We use a secure telehealth platform called Jane App (Jane) for appointment (online or in-person) booking and online counselling appointments.

Career Services

From career exploration to negotiating job offers, Career Services is here to help.

In-person and virtual advising appointments can be booked through Online Services.