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Giving to ÌÇÐÄlogo

You can make difference for ÌÇÐÄlogo and our students, by making a donation to the university. Your gifts make a powerful statement about the value of a ÌÇÐÄlogo education, and helps us to grow and develop as a leading institution across Canada and around the globe.

Bench on the front lawn of ÌÇÐÄlogo in memory of Shaughn O'Brien

Make an impact. Align your gift with your passion.

New ÌÇÐÄlogo
students entering the front door of Schwemann Hall during orientation

Explore the many ways you can make a difference.

Getting Started

Contact us to learn more about supporting the next generation of students.

Tel: +1.780.479.9234
Email: donations@concordia.ab.ca

Charitable Registration number 10696 6468 RR0001
Please note: 2022 tax receipts will be mailed by the end of February 2023